
The sound of trumpets

The FIFA world cup has had its highs - the opening ceremony, the arrival of teams, the national spirit of a land that has opened its heart to all, the celebrations and the general atmosphere of the occasion. The lowest moments have been where teams have been forced to leave the stage and head back home. It is already almost over, yet has scarcely begun. Oh and of course every team has criticised the Jabulani ball, which loves to curve and do its own thing at altitude, thanks to its superb aero-efficiency.

Then of course, there is that unbelievably annoying trumpet that has absolutely drowned out all noise at matches, the motorious vuvuzela. It plays a monotonous B-flat at such volumes that it is damaging to one's health. I have mentioned before that the name is drawn from its "Vu-Vu" sound.

Irritating as the sound of trumpets may be, the picture attached is a characterisation of the trumpets of God. It shows man cowering in irritation or fear at the sound of a trumpet, but the angel is undeterred. As my friend said to me, "Vuvuzelas are not new, they have been irritating us since the 7th century". 

The picture is a good illustration of the urgency and significance of our times - God is not whispering any longer. The world is in great crisis and we are moving into heady times. The shout of God is echoing across the earth, but it is not a sound of warning. The trumpets of God were used to signal the advent of seasons. What we are hearing is not a sign of things to come - we have had those warnings. Now the trump is a signal of things that have come or are starting.  

The starter's gun has fired, the king's royal trumpeters have sounded, the thunder has roared, the signal fires from the Holy Hill have been lit and the winds have started to blow. Change is upon us. What has been, will be no more. A new and challenging season is coming. 

That said, I am aware that many believers, globally, are stirring as God thaws hearts, revives the downtrodden and lifts His people to their most significant moment. He is pouring out new wine and raising His church to her prophetic destiny. The trumpet is sounding. Our times of brokenness and uncertainty are yielding to a powerful surge of life and hope.  So be encouraged.

Ecclesiastes 3 says, "What has been, still is and what shall be, has come to pass". Prophetically it means that your future is fast becoming your present and your hope is becoming a reality.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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