
Show your colors

The news picture of a man lost inside his outrageous hat, is about as evocative of the world cup as one could ever hope to find. Apparently it weighs 25kg, over 50 pounds, so what it does to his head, neck and shoulders is anyone's guess.

There is no doubt that a world class event like the FIFA world cup, bring out the party in all kinds of souls. It is highly festive and guaranteed to bring ordinary souls to the wildest and most exaggerated forms of expression imaginable. That's great - we all need some respite from a tough life.

The wearing of headdress and garments to represent a team, is as old as the hills. The priests of old carried a mitre on their heads and a mantle over their chests, into which was pressed the 12 semi-precious stones that represented the tribes of Israel.

The priests carried their representation before God, offering up sacrifices and intercessions for the needs of their people. It was not just a garment, an external show. According to Hebrews 2, the priests had to be able to identify fully with the needs of the people - so they carried, if not individual names, then certainly the corporate identities of the tribes, before God.

However, Hebrews 2 is not directed at the general priesthood, but the greatest of all priests, one drawn from the order of Melchizidek, who was made subject to temptation and weakness, just as we are, so He could fully identify with our needs and offer a sacrifice worthy of our atonement. Now that same priest, Jesus, actually does have our individual names written on His heart and He knows the hairs on our heads. He faithfully intercedes for us before the mercy throne of God, to give us grace and help in time of need.

Jesus may not wear priestly garments, nor the outrageous garb of rabid fans, but He most certainly shouts for us and the trumpets do indeed sound as He leads us through life's trials, until we raise the trophies of grace.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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