
We have the power ...

Power is not an irrational force, as science sees it? It is an expression of divine truth & light.

In 2008, an experimental fusion reactor in France plans to demonstrate a viable and sustainable thermonuclear fusion capability. If successful, humankind will have found the ultimate, self-sustaining energy resource. Fission, the splitting of atoms, has defined nuclear technology to date. But fusion, the flip-side of fission, would reconstitute Helium atoms, releasing enormous energy: the fusion of atoms results in a loss of mass that is expressed as energy, consistent with Einstein's energy formula.

The amount of concentrated thermal energy required to induce a fusion reaction is enormous. Experiments like the Tokomak reactor in Russia, used immensely powerful magnets to contain the reaction at the centre of a containment vessel, because existing materials could not bear the heat created by converging high-energy lasers.

Fusion power initiates futher fission reactions, which also release energy. The result is a chained energy system based on the sun, that is perpetually self-sustaining. It is also immensely complex and expensive to achieve.

However, there is another energy source in our universe. It is complex, immensely powerful and completely unrestrained. I refer to the Spirit of God.

The earth was a dark void until the light, released by God in the Big Bang, initiated a sequence of events that created the four known forces of our universe: within less than a second. Those forces were the key building blocks of the universe, providing the gravitational and nuclear forces that aggregated matter into planets and stars.

Genesis 1, however, has a double meaning. For when God said, "Let there be light", He also referred to spiritual light, the great power that governs the laws and dynamics of all things. That light ensured an ordered universe, but it was the same light that brought order to the world. Moses was the channel through which God introduced the first constitutional dispensation, ensuring that universal egality, objectivity and fairness displaced the subjective, relative and barbaric systems of the pagan world.

That same light also illumines the human heart: for every person that calls on His name. The dark void of our hearts is a place of relative chaos until His light shines into the void to bring meaning, value and purpose to all.

Humankind has achieved incredible things, yet has never nor will ever transcend death. The power of God, by implication, exceeds the best we can achieve. It miraculously transforms corrupt lives into noble sons and sets within them the power of the resurrection: for "if (Romans 8) the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, dwells in you, He shall also quicken your mortality through His indwelling Spirit."

For all that man has achieved, humanity is effectively regressing. Sure there has been technological advancement, but socially we have passed our peak. Anarchy and lawlessness pervades our planet and the love of many waxes cold. But the kingdom of God, despite centuries of repression and opposition is reaching her finest hour as the church prepares for the return of the King.

So what power will you tap into? Where will you find your centre and who will sustain you when the world lapses into inevitable chaos?

(c) Peter Eleazar at

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