As happened in California not long ago, my country is facing a significant power crisis.
Economic growth has outripped energy capacity resulting in outages, load shedding (planned outages to prevent catastrophic failure) and potential rationing.
It gave me cause to reflect on God. He is not a limited resource, a capacity that must respond to human demand or consumption levels. He is the same whether we draw on His grace or not. He never goes away and as long as we remain plugged into His grace, He will never fail us.
His light never dims: indeed from a dispensational perspective we have more light now than the cumulative course of human history. The problem is that too many of us still choose to live in darkness.
The truth of God has transcended the universe, revealing His power and glory through events and physical realities light years away, without taking anything away from the beauty of a flower, the wonder of a new-born child or the glory of a majestic sunset.
God never sheds power. He never casts of His capacity nor is He is ever overloaded. If all six billion inhabitants of the planet were to cry to Him now, He would hear each person as an individual and know all about them. He would also guide them in a unique and personal way through His mysteries into present and eternal light.
God also never adjusts His tariffs for peaks and troughs in load consumption. Whether we call on Him by day, by night, in sickness or health, in good or bad times, He remains constant and the price of His grace is unaffected: because he already paid all accounts in advance, through the cross.
The price of sin is still death, but the reward for heaven is still glory, all of it: not a pro-rata or discounted share. God loves without prejudice and will receive every single person, from whatever gender, race, creed or culture … if they call on Him. He saves everyone who turns to Him and rejects all who reject Him: it is that simple.
God is more than enough. We don't need or seek another, for He is eternal and unlimited. Read Psalm 73 and see how Asaph almost stumbled becaue he misread God. Then he saw the end of wickedness and knew that God is enough.
(c) Peter Eleazar at http://www.bethelstone.com/
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