To Moses, Jesus was the God of the burning bush - the unchenchable fire that ignited the passions of his people and gave them a beacon of hope. To Noah He was the olive tree that provided evidence of God's ongoing purpose in the face of judgement.
To David, Jesus was the shepherd, heartsong and the table amongst our enemies. To Elijah He was a swirling wind, a tempest who rides on chariots of fire, yet stirs faith with a still, small voice. To Samuel He was the voice in the night, anointing our heads with oil for the wild adventures He calls us into.
To Isaiah He was the suffering servant, bearing the iniquities of us all. To three young men, He was the fourth, the fellow in our struggles, the friend who sticks closer than a brother. To Paul, Jesus was a blinding light that demanded a response.
To John, He was the one in the midst of the churches, the mystery of the ages, the lamb that opens the seals of the book. He is all of these and more, yet all the perspectives in all the world could never describe Him.
(c) Peter Eleazar at www.bethelstone.com
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