
Life and how we respond to it is part of God's unique plan for our lives

An  FB friend, Gail Hansmeyer, shared the following, poignant ideas:

"I was driving to an important appointment, but had a physio appointment that went on till after 08h00. Knowing it would take two hours to get to my next appointment at 10h00, I prayed that God would open the road ahead and give me favour to get there on time. The road I had to use had one lane in each direction, which opened up to two lanes at times. Heavy vehicles reduced traffic to a crawl, but every time I came up behind a truck the road split into two. I did not even have to slow down, and I arrived at my destination on time. It was just like the Red Sea crossing miracle!"

"My colleague had to do the same trip on the same road a few days later. She prayed the same prayer I had prayed, sayng, "Lord you did for Gail; please do so for me too. Unfortunately, her experience was quite different. Every time she got behind a truck, the road was in the single-lane phase, offering no double-lane relief. Needless to say she was upset - it seemed so unfair!"

"Then the Lord revealed that every time she came up behind a truck, there was a dotted line, which allowed her to overtake. Unfortunately she had a real fear of overtaking, especially truck, but The Lord was asking her to step out and trust Him. Through the process she addressed and conquered a few giants, because to God it was not trucks that were blocking her progress, but the giants of fear and doubt."

So  for both women, it was the exact same road, but a very different journey, experienced by different people at different times, to teach very different lessons."

I personally faced two parallel crisis in the past, both very painful. But my response to the first was agonising and distracting, very confusing. My second response was typical of the Kubler-Ross cycle, with episodes of denial, withdrawal, anger, grief, surrender and recovery.

Never try to convince yourself or others that there is one right way to approach life and its crises. It is a unique journey for each of us. Let God work it out. Stop being so hard on yourself and never assume you are the only one who feels as down you do about whatever it is you are going through. Also filter the many well-meaning suggestions that people throw at you and rather walk with God until He interprets your crises and confronts your personal giants ... because that is what He does. By all means be accountable to mature spiritual leaders, but they can only support you in what God alone has started and will finish.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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