
Beauty and the beast

In the small German city of Walroder a preacher gave an altar call. An angry looking woman promptly got up and stormed out of the church. The preacher stopped and silently prayed that she would be back.

The next night she was in church again and in the back row, but not a happy camper. As the sermon drew to a close and the altar call was given, people stood to come forward. Suddenly she stood up and came rushing to the front of the church. When several people in the church saw her they broke out into emotional crying.

The young woman had mascara all over her face from crying. She repented of her sins and received the Lord in her life. Many people were greatly moved by the power of God that evening. God worked deep things into that woman's heart.

Months later in another meeting, a British soldier came into the Walroder church. Now he was angry one. His anger related to the conversion of the young blonde woman earlier. That event had changed her life and she had decided not to sleep with him anymore. The preacher had become the target of his resentment.

At the end of the sermon, an altar call was again given. The soldier misunderstood the question. Instead of, "If you don't know the Lord and would like him in your life please stand up", He heard "If you don't want to know the Lord please stand up".

Some people stood up and so did he, but with his head hanging down. The preached said, "Please come forward." They came forward and he was not far behind them. His intentions for coming forward were not to receive the Lord. He came forward to destroy the church meeting and to confront the preacher.

When he reached the front of the church something happened to him. the congregation started singing and God's glory filled the place. The soldier began to shake all over, tears began to run down his face and blood flowed from his nose.

The soldier then prayed and asked the Lord into his life. He was marvelously saved. God in His love and mercy touched the angry soldier and the man repented of his sins. He became very excited about the reality and the love of God.

After the meeting he told his unbelievable story. He had been trained to be one of the best boxers in the British army. He was great in his field and knew it. During his training he had learnt how to control his emotions so on the night of his conversion he had every mind to disrupt the meeting and have his say. When he began to shake he tried to use the method he had so well learnt. But what had always worked before, simply failed him.

He tried to control his emotions by counting backwards from 10 and that didn't work. This was a fight that he was losing and he knew it. It was the first time he had ever experienced the power and love of God. Salvation had come to him and his life was marvelously saved.

One day later he brought a gift. It was a trophy which he had won in one of his boxing fights. He surrendered it saying, "I lost the fight in church that night." He may have lost the fight, but he got something that will last forever and that is life with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The love of God is much more that we will ever fully understand and one thing that is for sure, His love is love.

Matt 9:37
Source: Sam Fields

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